Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Bible Reading

Lisa has been doing so well on her bible reading, but I am behind. I thought if I started being accountable, it would help. I read 3 chapters in John last night and I read the book of Jonah again, thanks to Sara. I want to get the desire I once had to read God's word. On the days I had to wait in line to pick my son up from school, I use to sit there and read it. I don't pick him up anymore so that time is lost. I use to take it with me to dr. visits and various other places that kept me waiting, but I slowly got out of that habit too. I am really sad about this. God's word is more important than the newspaper, but I have caught myself reading it over anything else.

I have read through the New Testament several times, but I have never quite finished the Old. Not in order, anyway. But I have always loved the Old Testament writings. To see God in the scriptures and the intensity of His presence is indescribable.

Lisa stated that "It's supposed to take 21 days to make a habit" this doesn't seem too much to ask. There is all types of habits that we need to break, but bible reading isn't one of them.


Denise said...

May you be blessed during your Bible reading, love you my friend.

Anonymous said...

This happens to me for sure. So this is what I tell myself: Start with prayer and try not to make it a "work." That was one of the problems I had when I set an ambitious goal for myself - I began to (almost unwillingly)think that it was about something that I was doing. I think reading the Bible in one year requires that you do at least 3 chapters a day - that can be a lot. One thing that is helping me is reading about a chapter a day and then writing down at least a verse or a lesson or an observation in my journal. I had been reading through the New Testament and was in the middle of I Peter when I felt prompted to go to Jonah - so I'm taking a break from Peter until I'm done studying Jonah. (I definitely want to leave room for God's leading.) Of course Jonah is quick to read but I keep re-opening it and finding more to mull over.

So if my struggles are also your struggles, I hope sharing what I've been going through we helps. If your struggles are different, I hope you won't be offended by my injecting myself in here.

Beth/Mom2TwoVikings said...

I've missed 2-3 days but I'm looking at it as a marathon as opposed to a sprint! LOL I just keep trying and plugging away.

I'm reading a historically chronological guide so it keeps me from focusing on the WHOLE book at a time since I get to read a few chapters here, a few chapters there, a small book occasionally, etc.

Good luck!

Anonymous said...

oooo I really like Beth's idea about using a chronological guide. I think one day (not ready yet) I'll try reading the Bible in chronological order.

Debbie said...

Oh Sara, I don't think you could offend me. *smile* I didn't read the 3 chapters because " I had to" I had started reading and it was so good that I kept going!
I have had the "struggle" as you were speaking of. When you put prayer and reading on the "things to do" list, it automatically becomes another chore added to an ever growing list. I am praying for it to be a natural part of my being, (as it once was) and not "work."
I love how you stated "leaving room for God's leading" I definitely believe in this or else all those words on pages remain just that! I desire to be stirred as I read. If I find myself veering off, I stop.
Beth, I like the idea of it being a marathon and not sprint. We have more time to *soak up* the parts we need, as opposed to "reading" through so quickly that all is lost. Definitely becoming a time waster!

Allison said...

I know I have to get back on task with my Bible studies - vacation really threw me off. With my studies I was doing a chronological study which seemed to work. Keep us posted on how you make out!