Can you believe I, the camera toting mama, had a moment of missed opportunity? I completely blew it today. How could I have not taken a discreet picture? Why? Why? Why? It's not so much that I wanted the picture for my personal collection, although it would have been nice. I wanted to have a picture to share with my friends. Awwwww......I know, how thoughtful of me, right?
Here's the story. I went to my mother's to take her to lunch. Nothing special, just lunch. We decided to go to Cracker Barrel. Big surprise, huh? Nathan was anxiously awaiting his grilled chicken and corn vittles and I was trying to keep him entertained until it got there. Have I mentioned how good those hot, corn muffins are? They are even better with a little promise spread on them. It was busy as usual during lunch and people were coming and going quickly.
After cutting up Nathan's chicken, I tried to eat mine as quickly as possible. Dining out with him is a lot better than it used to be and for that, I am thankful. Anyway, I noticed some "guests" (as we are called at C.B.) being seated. They sat down at the table across from us. It was two females and one male. The male was wearing dark glasses and carrying a new baby. Nothing really unusual about them until...........he slid his shades down to order.
I knew it was him. It was the American Idol runner up. Yes, it was. Clay Aiken, himself. He was trying to be oh so unnoticeable. It was working. No one else seem to recognize him, not even his server. I was surprised by this, not that I am a big fan or anything, but I know lots of people are. And I'm not saying that I don't admire his ability and work, (he works with children) I do, and of course, he's from the south. What's not to love about him? I didn't want to stare, so I played the game, until I got up. I was going out to the gift shop with Nathan while my mother and papa finished their meal.
It just so happened that he was getting up to go out at the same time. Should I say something or not, I pondered. I decided to. I spoke very quietly to him acknowledging who he was and I let him know that I knew he was trying to be incognito and I wasn't going to blow his cover. He then thanked me. My mother, on the other hand, God bless her,had already alerted the manager to his presence. Thus began a cycle of stares and whispers amongst the staff.
I didn't stay around to see what happened after this. I just hope he was able to enjoy his meal in peace. What I keep asking myself is why I didn't take at least one picture! I knew I was going to blog about seeing him there. I could have taken one with my cell phone or my camera, as I had it in my purse. Why? He would have never known and I would have proof of my celebrity encounter with pictures to prove it! *sigh* Maybe next time.
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10 years ago
Wow, how awesome my friend. I believe you, do not have to see pictures as proof. I like your new template.
Terrifc post Debbie!! Ahh..yes. My eyes LOVED this template as well! It provides such a nice background for your profile pic ;). Have a blessed day!
WWOOWW!! How cool is that!?! And, can I say, I love love, LOVE your new layout!!
GET OUT! That is so neat. And you go girl, keeping your cool like that! I think you handled it very graciously and generously, by acknowledging him while respecting his desire to be incognito.
And I'm with the others, I love this new template. Where'd you get it?
Thank you, my friends. I got the link for the new layout from Leeann. She has it on her page. There are some really nice ones.
I think one of the reasons I liked this one was because I could imagine myself sitting underneath the tree.
I have some "fine tuning" to do, but I think I like it. I miss not be able to drag and drop from the blogger layout, though. This requires a little more effort. It's always a trade off. *grin*
Debbie, stop by soon. I have a surprise for you! ;-)
That is just too cute, Debbie. I think you did a wonderful job not disturbing his lunch :). I probably would have wondered afterwards too :)
Blessings to you and yours.
Cool :) Two great things in one day Clay Aiken + Craker Barrel :)
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