Sunday, July 08, 2007

Five Things I Love About Jesus

I have been tagged by Anita for this meme.
I was also tagged by Angel Mama, but did not see it until later.

Here are the rules.

  • Those tagged will share 5 things they "love" about Jesus.
  • Those tagged will tag 5 other bloggers.
  • Those tagged will provide a link in the comments section here with their name so that others can read them.

Five things I love about Jesus:

  1. While I was yet a sinner He loved me enough to die for my sins.
  2. He is a mighty counselor. I can go to Him with any problem and He will guide me if I will only yield to His way.
  3. He is the Prince Of Peace and shares His peace with me through every crisis that may arise.
  4. He is concerned ABOUT everything that concerns me regardless of how small or petty it may seem to others.
  5. He is my healer. Physically, Spiritually, and Mentally. He is my all in all.

I am to tag 5 in turn, but I think the ones I know have already been tagged. *grin* So I tag anyone that reads this and wants to participate. I mean, how could you not want to share wonderful things about Jesus!!


eph2810 said...

I love your reasons why you love Jesus :)
Maybe it would be great topic for my next Thankful Thursday post...

But I am going to share one with you..."I love that He always puts me back on the path He has put me on, when I wander off of"...

Be blessed today and always.

Melanie said...

I am here from the All for Women Carnival. I am enjoying your blog and it is wonderful to meet you!

I have already been tagged with this meme too. I hope to get mine posted by the end of the week.

Pearls of Wisdom said...

Dear Debbie,

Great post ! I love number 4 and 5 . I played around with my posts all night so if you don't see it let me know I hope some with certain browsers don't have trouble. Thanks just because I am worried..LOL the other doesn't matter.
Thanks for joining the carnival too what a perfect post. We had thunderstorms all day so at least it is cooling down.

Hugs and Love,

Angel ():)

Dapoppins said...

If all else fails, I go to #1. Great list.

Denise said...

I love your reasons, and I love you my friend.

Marilee said...

I completely agree with and identify with your list, Debbie!!! I love Jesus so much... although it took me a long time to tell Him because of how unworthy I felt. But in spite of the fact that I still don't feel worthy, I KNOW He accepts my love and that because of HIS gift of life to me, HE makes me worthy.

I love Him because He first loved me.

I love Him because He gives me such deep joy and assurance.

I love Him because He KNOWS EVERYthing about me - and He still loves me anyway!!!

I love Him because He teaches me through His Word.

I love Him because He speaks to me when I take time to really listen! He speaks directly to my heart and mind, and there is no way to mistake His voice!!!

I love Him because He lifted me out of the darkness and into the light and truth!!!

I love Him because He is with me always and there is no burden that He won't carry for me.

I guess that's seven instead of five, but I could write so many more... HE IS THE GREATEST!!!

I love you and this is a great blog! I'm gonna try to post it on my blog... we'll see how good I do. Oh yeah, and I'll put it on MySpace too!